As we are moving closer to the 1.0 version, we are adding more and more features needed by academics. We try to keep it simple, but there are some things we feel were needed to just get somrthing together that can actually be used. we continuously add those features to the beta version as we feel they become stable enough for others to test. Among those features are:
- Support for equations, by making use of the excellent and open source MathJax javascript library.
- Support for epubs (mixed EPUB2/3 that works both on Ipad and other devices) as an export format. For now this can be done on an per article basis. Talking to academic editors has made us aware of the need to post epubs for individual articles.
- Support for adding equations and footnotes into all three supported export formats: epub, latex and HTML. Thanks a lot to Peter Krautsberger for his advice on how to make formulas show up in both old and new ebook readers.
Disclaimer: Fidus Writer makes use of MathJax, but the people behind MathJax do not in any way endorse the usage of Fidus Writer.